  Dr. Madesis Panagiotis
  +30 2311 257 531
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D. 1: Report of methods for the industrial scale production of controlled quality biomass and industrial scale production

D. 2: Database with transitions of microalgae specific compounds using a microalgae specific LS-MS/MS method

D. 3: Report on algae proteases

D. 4: DNA- barcoding authentication identity sequences and trancriptomics analysis

D. 5: Metabolomic profile of microalgae under different culture regimes

D. 6: Purification and structural analysis of algae protein

D. 7: Mapping bioactive properties and reporting on the effect of microalgae extracts or compounds on the transcription of skin-related genes using human cell lines.

D. 8: Methods for the industrial scale production of controlled quality microalgae extracts

D. 9: A downstream processing protocol for protease, mycosporine-like aminoacids and enzyme purification

D. 10: New cosmeceutical products containing new microalgae extracts and other commonly used ingredients

D. 11: Microalgae Analytical Handbook

D. 12: Feasibility study concerning the integration of algal extracts in cosmetic products

D. 13: Feasibility study concerning new algae species and new or improved technologies for microalgae production

D. 14: Publications in scientific journals/conferences

D. 15: Strategic considerations and sensitivity analysis for new technologies

D. 16: 1st Progress Report

D. 17: Mid term meeting

D. 18: 2nd progress report